Ryan McCormick

Santa Clara, CA

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Manually interact with Alpaca's trading API in order to more easily debug trading algorithms. This is also my excuse for learning Continuous Integration practices with TravisCI, code coverage, code linting, and other tools.
Python 1 0
A repository for simulating some of the interesting mathematics problems discussed on the popular YouTube channel, NumberPhile. One implementation done so far is a visualization of the golden ratio turning into sequences of flower petals.
Python 5 0
This repo implements the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm in parallel using threads in a K-Dimensional tree structure.
Command-line tool similar to screenfetch/neofetch for looking up pokemon in the terminal. This was one of my first projects done truly just for fun, and learning how to render images in the terminal was the biggest challenge.
Python 8 1
My custom vim colorscheme - an attempt to learn more about vim's ecosystem.
Vim script 2 0
Change your desktop wallpaper to a random 1080p background from google images with the ability to add optional search terms. Should work for a wide range of Operating Systems and distributions.
Python 5 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.